Term and Universal Life
Life Insurance for Individuals and Businesses in the Southeast US
There are essentially two types of Life Insurance. One is to help those that you leave behind, the ultimate gift in the midst of tragedy.
The second is the type that not only has the death benefit, but it has an incredible living benefit too.
We represent many different life insurance companies and can find a policy to fit your situations, health status and budget.
Term life is the least expensive form of life insurance. If your only concern is to provide help for your loved ones in case of your own death, then this is a simple and wise choice. You lock into a rate for the term that you choose (ie, 10 year or 20 year term) and then you can have peace of mind.
Univeral Life carries a great living benefit and has many other possible features. The top reason many choose this form of Life Insurance is for the tax free vehicle for retirement savings. There are two things that constantly hurt your wallet, one is Wall Street and the other is taxes. Through Life Insurance, you can actually invest money that is sheltered from the storms.